Ten Solutions for Clean Energy Independence
Guest presentation by :
Thomas W. Rettenwender, MA, M Arch, LEED AP, Architect
EcoLogic Design Lab, Monterey, California
Research Institute for Humanity and Nature (RIHN), Kyoto, Japan.
The RIHN is a governmental institute under the Ministry of Education, Science & Technology, Japan
Tuesday, March 27th, 2012 at 4-5:30 p.m.
457-4 Kamigamo Motoyama, Kita-ku
Kyoto 603-8047, Japan
Phone: 81 75 707 2256
The presentation titled “Ten Solutions for Clean Energy Independence” is an illustrative outline of current options for clean energy generation. The presentation will begin with a brief analysis of global clean energy generation trends and then outline ten existing techniques for generating clean energy. These strategies will include more innovative techniques, such as high altitude wind generation, solar thermal upwind generators, and solar trigeneration, as well as more conservative strategies such as energy efficiency negawatts, hydroelectric power and land-fill gas power. The presentation will conclude with a summary of ways to encourage innovation in the clean energy sector.
Clean energy advocacy is an exciting interdisciplinary filed of research involving design, engineering, economics, environmentalism, politics and education. This presentation hopes to inspire dialog and raise awareness about current trends in this increasingly important field of research.